Monday, January 08, 2007

We Stand Exposed

Kohi, Hai

Elegiac is the word for how this so-called holiday season feels. Funereal and sad, slow and under a pall. It is the hopelessness on all sides. Nothing improves anymore. Unremitting bad news, fear-mongering, and lies hem us in. Entropy combines with the neo con scum death cult to ensure only extinction is promoted. What is there to celebrate?

Looking at my wife and kids, I fear for their futures. I don’t see them having a chance to raise up to better things. I dread ending up on the street. I dread a draft taking my boys’ lives from them.

This is no way to live.

I want to find a place where this dark umbra don’t blot out every bright thought. It isn’t about location, though. All over the world, it is the same.

Solipsism, selfishness, and a naive kind of greed seems to offer insulation, but that’s delusion. Ignoring it all, and escapism in general, only lets it fester around us until it’s too late.

Zen detachments works, but only philosophically and personally. I’m at a loss.

There is nothing I can think of to create a protective bubble around my family. We stand exposed.

That being the case, we have been left no choice but to fight against the darkness, the negativity, and the destruction. Changing this culture of death and end-times is key.


People think the holidays are special
But all they are is one more damned excuse
To screw us out of all our hard-earned money
And fit us, finally, for the hangman’s noose
So celebrate the holidays in mourning
For innocence that once made each day great
Consumerism murders all it touches
Yet all we do is watch the ads and wait
For another phony sale
For another bank to fail
For another credit-ready holy grail


We stand exposed, all of us, to the cynicism, manipulation, and control mechanisms. Only by seeing them clearly and fighting them directly can we hope to rise above this porn-level, debased, and degraded culture they use to exploit us.

We are property.

We can choose to be free.

Take back, first, our holidays, and instill again the wonder of life, and the joy of living.

Put down the merchandise and pocket your wallet and instead of shopping gather into groups that improve your life’s quality.

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